We want a connected Mediterranean Salt Production sector sharing information and best practices, evolving together to build a Network that works for all.


Capacity building fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, thus stakeholders gain greater control over their sector future development and encourages them to take actions


Our Goals

To help Salt producers and other stakeholders to become more scalable, effective and sustainable.

To Transfer Knowledge on the artisanal salt production to new generation of producers

To Develop and strength the skills, abilities, and resources that production sectors need to survive and thrive in a fast-changing world

Our Target Groups

Salt Producers


Stakeholders related to the production value chain (Restaurants, Chef, and Tourist Agents)



Stakeholders related to the decision making



Our Capacity Building Subject


  • MedArtSal sustainable Model,
  • MedArtSal sustainability evaluation tool,
  • Practices to increase the Salinas Sustainability (Economic and environment),
  • Sustainable tourism and preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity in the Salinas
  • Bird Watching in Salinas
  • Activities diversification (Tourism, Production of Algae, Production of cosmetic products etc…)
  • Marketing and communication strategies for companies working in the salt value chain
  • Different Salt use and benefit (targeting consumers and chef) etc.
  • Use of of Salt in gastronomy
  • Environmental importance of the Salinas




MedArtSal model represent an innovative solution and will provide innovative sustainable actions for salinas, providing a sound operational support and specific guidance on the best development strategy compared to the features and needs of the area. The model is made up of the combination of good practices, commerce, biodiversity and ecosystem service preservation, as well as other services.

The project aims to adopt coordinated actions to define and implement a Model for the Sustainable Management of Artisanal Salinas, which will stimulate the local economy and territorial cohesion.
There are three specific objectives in relation to the addressed main goal of the program:
1. Development of the Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas, including a strategic plan for the marketing of products and the management of artisanal salt works, a plan for restoration/conservation of the biodiversity.
2. Promote public-private cooperation in and among sectors related to artisanal salt production and the establishment of one SME cluster per participating country around local artisanal saline systems promoting public-private cooperation.
3. Contribute to the exchange of experience and techniques by creating a network of Mediterranean artisanal salinas with the final goal to stimulate marketing actions, the environmental conservation and restoration of these important sites.

The project is led by CUEIM – University Consortium for Industrial and Managerial Economics (Italy) and the partners are:
Association for the Development of Rural Capacities (Lebanon)
Fair Trade Lebanon (Lebanon)
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (Spain)
Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation (Italy)
Saida Society (Tunisia)
University of Cádiz (Spain)
Tuniso-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tunisia)

Associated partners
Assocamerestero – Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (Italy)
Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible (Spain)
• Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità-Delta del Po (Italy)
• Municipality of Anfeh (Lebanon)
SALARTE Fund for the Stewardship and Recovery of the Salt Marsh (Spain)
• The Mediterranean Wetland Initiative (MedWet) (France)
• More Information about MedArtSAl: MedArtSal | ENI CBC Med  

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